Friday, August 18, 2006

Tony Bradley: Reform Candidate for the ISC(2) Board

Those of you who hold the CISSP know that elections for the ISC(2) Board of Directors are coming up soon. Usually the existing Board members put forth a slate of candidates themselves, but there is a provision for an individual to be added to the ballot without the Board's approval. If the candidate can get the support of 1% of the membership on a petition, they're added to the ballot.

Today, I got the official notice that one member, Tony Bradley (CISSP-ISSAP), has elected to pursue this route. After reading his platform, I've decided to sign his petition. Here's an excerpt, which summarizes things nicely:

There are three primary components of my platform and vision for ISC2 should I be elected.

  • ISC2 should work to cooperate and coordinate with other security organizations and professionals to develop a set of generally accepted information security principles.
  • ISC2 should publicly vet the contents of the CBK in order to improve the information as well as expanding the acceptance and respect granted to those who show an understanding of the CBK through achieving the CISSP certification.
  • Election procedures should be modified to reduce the hegemony of the sitting Board of Directors and ensure a fair election process that allows the constituents to pursue election more freely.

I strongly support his first two points. We're plagued with "professionals" without proper training or knowledge and "solutions" that only solve vendor cash flow problems. Common Criteria is an attempt to solve the "solutions" problem, but so far there isn't a good solution for ensuring that we're hiring competent professionals. Certifications (like the CISSP) and accreditations may be an answer, but without an industry-wide agreement on their content, it's difficult to evaluate their effectiveness.

That's where the ISC(2)'s Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) comes in. It's probably the most extensive security knowledgebase available, but it's also proprietary, and that holds it back. Having just taken the CISSP test this year, my experience with the CBK is fresh in my mind. There are parts of it that sorely need the kind of open review process Bradley proposes.

If you're an ISC(2) member, I encourage you to read Mr. Bradley's comments.

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