Monday, November 03, 2008

Getting started with Bro

Lately, I've been playing with Bro, a very cool policy-based IDS. I say "policy-based" because, unlike Snort, Bro doesn't rely on a database of signatures in order to detect suspicious traffic. Rather, Bro breaks things down into different types of network events, and Bro analysts write scripts to process these events based on their particular detection policies and emit alarms.

At first, I was pretty puzzled about how to get started. The Bro website has some quick start docs, but they direct you to use the "brolite" configuration (a kind of simplified, out-of-the-box configuration). The bad news for that, however, is two-fold. First, the configuration is listed as deprecated in the files that come with the source tarball, and second, the brolite installation process doesn't work right under Linux.

So for the record, here's what you need to get started with Bro. (Thanks to Bro Guru Scott Campbell for helping me out with this):

  1. # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bro
  2. # make && make install
  3. # cp /usr/local/bro/share/bro/mt.bro /usr/local/bro/site/mybro.bro

After that, create the file

export BROPATH=/usr/local/bro/policy: \

./bro -i eth1 --use-binpac -W mybro.bro
Now you can just run and it'll do the right thing. The new mybro.bro file will be a very stripped down default set of policies. It won't do that much, but you can then add to it as you see fit. You can find more details about this in the Bro User Manual and Bro Reference Manual.

By the way, this example uses the --use-binpac option to enable some new-style compiled binary detectors. This caused Bro to crash frequently on my RHEL testbed, so if the same happens to you, you might need to leave that option out.

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