Friday, March 21, 2008

New ZLob spreads through poisoned search results

You may have seen this technique before, but in the last few days, it seems that the creators of the ZLob trojan have found an effective way to spread their malware: poisoned search results.

In case you're wondering how this works, it goes something like this:

  1. The attackers identify a set of "hot" search terms that users are most likely to be looking for. Popular products, current events, celebrities, scandals, you name it. I don't know for sure where they come up with these terms, but if it were me, I'd get them from Google Trends or some place like that. To really be effective, the attackers need to gather as many of these terms as possible, perhaps several thousand. They need to be updated frequently, too.
  2. The attackers identify an otherwise legitimate website that happens to be vulnerable to some sort of file upload attack.
  3. The attackers create a set of HTML files, one per search term they're targeting. The HTML is crafted to look highly relevant for that term, with what looks to me like snippets of text from other legitimate web pages on that subject. In addition, each of the files links to each of the other files, artificially inflating their number of incoming links in an attempt to fool the search engine into placing them nearer to the top of the result list.
  4. When a user searches on one of the terms, they will see poisoned results interspersed with legitimate ones. If they click on the poisoned link, obfuscated Javascript in the page will redirect them to a site that claims to have a relevant video. It shows a static GIF that looks like the YouTube video interface, but then pops up a dialog telling the user they need a new CODEC to view the clip.
  5. Of course, you know where this is going... The "CODEC" is an EXE file containing the ZLob trojan. SCORE!

It used to be that if you avoided browsing pr0n, gambling sites and similar shady sites, you were less likely to come into contact with this sort of thing. But now, legitimate users doing regular, every day searches are being exposed a lot more often. This is kinda scary.

So what can you do to protect your users against this type of attack? On a technical level, not that much. You can't really get much done on the Internet without a search engine, and it's going to be up to them to improve their ability to vet the pages they index. Individually, something like the NoScript Firefox plugin would be effective, but that's difficult to impose on an entire user community.

However, the most effective security is not technical. Get the message out to your users, "There are malicious web pages out there; you're likely to find some of them inside the search engine results; be careful what you click on, and never download things you weren't expecting to download."

Of course, I can't let this go by without at least some sort of NSM advice. Here's a quick Snort rule I wrote to detect these trojan CODEC downloads:

alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"WATCHLIST Possible ZLob Codec Download"; uricontent:".exe"; nocase; pcre:"/.*codec.*\.exe/smi"; flow:to_server,established; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:10000000; rev:1;)

This looks for HTTP downloads of files that machine "*codec*.exe" (case insensitive, of course). A simple file name change or something would evade this, but it's not too hard to see how to customize this to look for other things. And if your version of Snort is compiled with flexible response support, you can even add "resp: rst_all;" to try to block the download attempts by sending spoofed RST packets, which should provide some extra security.

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