Friday, May 19, 2006

Scan detection via network session records

I needed a quick, easy way to detect scanners on my LAN. Since I'm running Sguil, I have plenty of data about network sessions in a convenient MySQL database. I thought, why not use that?

My premise (cribbed from Snort's sfPortscan preprocessor) is that network scanning activity stands out due to it's unusually high number of failed connection attempts. In other words, most of the time the services being probed are not available, and this makes the scanner easier to spot. Here is a simple perl script I wrote that implements this type of scan detection by querying Sguil's SANCP session database.

To use it, you'll need to edit the script to modify the $HOME_NET variable. It's a snippet of SQL code, but it's very simple and documented in the comments. I'm looking for scanning activity on my own LAN, so the default is to set it to search only for activity with two local endpoints. If you are reasonably fluent in SQL, though, you can customize this to find other types of scans. There are a few other variables you can tweak (read the comments) but nothing terribly critical.

The script identifies two types of scanning activity. Portsweepers are systems that try a few different ports across a variety of addresses. For example, malware that looks around trying to find open web servers would fall into this category. On the other hand, portscanners are systems that try a lot of ports, usually on a relatively few systems. Attackers that are trying to enumerate services on a subnet would be a good example.

I haven't really tested this anywhere but a RHEL/CentOS 4 system. If you get it working on some other platform, or if you have any other comments/suggestions/improvements, please post them here.

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